AurynSky's Profile

Ranked #1287


200 Points

Barred! - Balance ball Arcade

Barred! is a casual game where you must balance your ball to the key to open the goal then navigate to the finish. 100 levels of madness =)Loosely inspired by an old arcade machine called Ice Cold Beer.

Level Design Game Graphics

I think the game mechanics are proven, there are a bunch of games doing the same mechanic.

I think there's something just a little bit off with the graphics. The low poly look does not look like somebody with experience
made them but rather someone's first go at low poly. There's a certain way to make low poly look good and pop.. this just looks a little bit like it's low poly because it's the best someone could do.

Release mobile games on Android and iOS.. how can you not be doing that these days?!

Overall pretty cool little game here.

5 years ago
Mechanics Game Graphics

I think this is a solid idea although the game play video that was posted looks like a concept or a prototype and not a finished product.

I feel like the BARE MINIMUM effort was involved in making this game. The level never changes, the fog distance is only a couple car lengths away, there is no changing lane animations, the same two obstacle types... probably a bit more missing but those are the glaring ones.

It looks like the game works just fine but you really need to put more effort into it. You have to think to yourself whether or not you would play it yourself for more than 1 minute if you were not the developer. You need to deliver something more to the player than what you have here in my opinion.

The game mechanic is proven as there are 100's of games using the same mechanic successfully that just have a lot more polish in them.

The death animation is pretty cool.

Good luck to you!

5 years ago

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