

Play it by clicking directly using mouse OR ZXCV keys.

The game of tap, BattleTap.

Get your stance up and tap on the right skill at the right enemy to fend them off your base. You will lose the game when your health goes to zero.

A small game, maybe it's inspired by the beat-music game or something with rhythm. When perfection is the main objective of the game.

Anyway, don't forget to try it out and let us know what you think about it. Any critiques or comments always wanted.

Have fun gaming!

Made it into playable version.

  • Sounds.
  • Stage adds difficulty.
  • Background update.
  • Character & slime animation.
  • A little tutorial.
  • Attack animation.

So many things. Let's see what we can implement in the given time.


starcrafter 5 years ago

Game Graphics Animation
The game's biggest problem is that it is not explicitly clear from the moment you begin that you have to click on the attack icons or use ZXCV to kill the incoming objects. I thought at the beginning that the game didn't work correctly. This game would be a novel bit of fun, but it can't achieve that because their is absolutely zero form of animations in any part of the game.

I also discovered that if the game is paused and the player uses the ZXCV keys while the game is paused, they can destroy the frozen incoming objects. This is an exploit that allows the player to cheese the game and should be fixed, because their is nothing stopping the player from using this exploit.

It's very clear that this game is in it's very early stages of development. It is in desperate need of music and animations effects, because the fundamental building blocks of a rhythm game are their. What is needed for the game to improve is variation in the speed of the incoming objects, destroying them needs to have impact and life in these actions with animation effects such as squish/squash, screen shake and music that is in sync with the actions on screen.

I hope for the best in this project.

rechronicle 5 years ago

Hey there, thank you for playing the game and such a detailed review.
I can't say thank you enough for pointing the critical bug as well.

I had to admit that the game internal hierarchy is kind of get stuck and need a massive rewiring so it can progress further.
In the meantime, we will do what we can.


JL 5 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
It looks nice, even if it's hard to tell what's supposed to be going on. The big issue, aside from sound and the lack of a tutorial, is the lack of any sort of difficulty. Maybe this was a bug, but the items (enemies?) could be destroyed any time they were on screen. The slow pace gave me plenty of time to react. Also, there didn't seem to be a penalty for pressing the wrong button.

With a bit more speed and a lot of feedback, this game could be really fun.

rechronicle 5 years ago

Thank you for playing the game!
I agree, at the current stage, there are many things that need to be implemented so it becomes more responsive for the player. Button animation isn't included yet.
And thank you for the suggestion of the gameplay as well.


leafboatstudio 5 years ago

Animation Tutorial/Learning Curve
The description of the game is very accurate. However, it wasn't very clear to me what was happening and what I was supposed to do. I figured out that I needed to click on the items under the hero after a few tries. The concept is cool though.

rechronicle 5 years ago

Thank you for playing the game!
I see that the tutorial is missing, leaving the player in a void.

GamEsnitzhel 5 years ago

Mechanics Tutorial/Learning Curve
The concept is awesome. The only problem I have is that there is no tutorial. Also, restart button.

Other than that, its a great game.

rechronicle 5 years ago

Thank you for playing the game!
Tutorial and restart button. Noted. :)

RainboNoob 4 years ago

Level Design Mechanics
The game is good, but the problem that i found was that I can just spam ZXCV and win.

rechronicle 4 years ago

Noted, thank you for playing the game! :))

Ayush_Dutt1 2 years ago

Level Design
Nice game.
Good work, keep it up.
Loved the graphics too..
Roast Em
